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College of Education Now Prepares Teachers in the Science of Reading
Dee Dee Cain and Kristi Starks have spent much of their careers teaching children to read, but just a few years ago, they found out about the science of reading, and why many children they taught never learned to read. (April 30, 2019)
Home Schooling in America: An African-American Family’s Cultural Decision
In many schools, African-American history begins with stories of slavery. Monica Utsey, a Washington, D.C. mom, wanted to give her sons a deeper and richer history of black people, which is what motivated her to home school them. (January 18, 2019)
‘We Shouldn’t Just Stay in Our Classrooms. We’re Teachers’
2018 National Teacher of the Year on being “the other, ” hate speech in hallways and fighting the good fight. (March 7, 2019)